No exceptions to posted range rules unless approved by MLGC Board of Directors or during a MLGC sanctioned event.
ALWAYS keep gun pointed in safe direction (Downrange).
ALWAYS keep finger off trigger until ready to shoot.
ALWAYS keep gun unloaded until ready to use.
The gate card is your MLGC identification and is only to be used by the member listed on the card. If your card is used by someone other than you, your membership may be revoked.
When entering or exiting the grounds be sure the gate closes. The gate may be left open during a MLGC sanctioned event.
Shooting Hours 8:00 am. until Sunset (Pacific Standard Time).
All firearms shall arrive and leave the MLGC unloaded.
When no MLGC Range Safety Officer (RSO) is on duty all members/shooters are required to cooperate with each other for going downrange (no shoot time).
Eye and ear protection is mandatory for all shooters and spectators within 25 feet of shooting line.
Post paper targets on MLGC provided target holders only; no member provided target holders (no metal, plastic, etc…).
Do not intentionally shoot cables, wooden target frames, target stands, posts, rocks or any other object other than the designated paper target.
During power outages and if generators fail, all ranges are closed. Sanctioned MLGC events with MLGC RSO present may continue shooting.
Members may have up to 5 guests and must directly supervise their guests at all times. Only 2 guests can shoot at a time. Shooters under 12 years of age and special needs shooters must be supervised by the member on a one-on-one basis while shooting.
Members with guests must sign in on Range Sign In Sheets. (member and guest).
Always clean up spent brass, cartridges, targets and materials and dispose of them before leaving the range.
Firing 50 caliber BMG rounds is not allowed.
No alcohol, marijuana, or illegal drugs allowed on MLGC property.
All firearms must be cased (soft or hard case) when going to and from vehicles and shooting line. When removing or returning firearms from their case, care should be taken that muzzle is pointed in a safe direction.
When going downrange to post/score/retrieve targets all firearms must be benched, unloaded with action open and magazine (if equipped) removed. Empty chamber indicators are suggested.
On 25 Yard Range, handguns can be holstered when going down range.
On the 50 Yard and 100 Yard Ranges, unloaded long guns can be placed action open in the provided gun racks.
Shoot only from benches provided and from behind the Red Line. Shoot targets directly in front of your shooting position. No cross-range shooting.
Prone shooting can be done at designated positions on 100/200 Yard Range.
When shooters are downrange no one is to handle any firearms or other equipment at the shooting line. All others must remain behind the Yellow Line.
The 25 Yard Range is for handguns only. No shoulder fired weapons. The 50 Yard Range is for handguns, rifles and shotguns (with slugs only).
Shotgun slugs can be sighted in at the 50 Yard Range and 100 Yard Range. Buckshot and other shot sizes can be sighted in/patterned at the Trap Range using the provided patterning stand.
MLGC approved target frames may only be hung on provided cables. After shooting, pull your target and return the target frame to the storage area.
When shooters on the 100 Yard Range need to go past the 100 yard targets to post/pull 200 yard targets, they will activate the Red Warning Light that is on the 100 Yard Range and 25/50 Yard Ranges. All shooting will stop until shooters return from downrange and deactivate the Red Warning Light. NOTE: The 100/200 yard shooter must verbally notify shooters on 25/50 Yard Range that they have activated the Red Warning Light. When Red Warning Light is activated shooters on the 25/50/100/200 Yard Ranges may move past the Yellow and Red Lines to post/pull targets. Shooters that are not posting or pulling targets will stand behind the Yellow Line and no handling of firearms is allowed.
No rifles or handguns are to be fired at the Trap Ranges.
Personal hand or mechanical clay pigeon thrower use is limited to Trap Ranges 2 and 3.
Shotguns must be cased (soft or hard case) when going to and from vehicles and shooting line. When removing or returning firearms from their case, care should be taken that muzzle is pointed in a safe direction.
Shotguns can be sighted in/patterned at the Trap Range using the provided patterning stand on the left of Trap 3.
When going down range to post/score/pull targets at the patterning stand, all shotguns are to be left on bench unloaded with action open or placed in the racks with action open. Empty chamber indicators are suggested.
Copyright © 2025 Mother Lode Gun Club Inc. - All Rights Reserved.